Costa Nostrum’s interview in Radio Agora about Mistral program (video)

Within the framework of the Mistral (Interreg Mediterranean) the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (ELKETHE), aiming at making sustainable innovations a “key” to Blue Growth, has selected Costa Nostrum among 29 more Greek and European proposals, as implemented “Good Practice” with the aim of spreading it through this program throughout the European Union.

MISTRAL is part of the European Transnational Cooperation Programme “Interreg MED” that aims to strengthen a transnational partnership made up of 8 countries (2 Ministries, 8 Regions, 5 Clusters, 3 RTOs, and other organizations) in order to:

  • make marine knowledge and sustainable innovation the key drivers for “Blue Growth”,
  • support MED clusters to become an excellent intermediary of knowledge for increasing blue economy,
  • design and implement sustainable development trajectories harmonized with the MED regions Smart Specialization Strategies.

MISTRAL has the ambition to develop a wider governance vision in the maritime economy as well as, assuring effective policy mainstreaming. A clustering innovation service pack for BG clusters and operators will improve the innovation performance of at least 300 SMEs with at least 100 experts benefiting from the transnational activities and exchange programs on capacity building.

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